Mac Os Still Waiting For Root Device Usb

Mac os still waiting for root device usb adapter

  • Question: Q: 'Still waiting for root device' after 10.10.3 update Hi and thanks for any help you can offer, My Mac has been working at 10.10.2 and previous versions with a Crucial CT480M500SSD1 SSD for seven+ months until I updated to 10.10.3 (which may be coincidental).
  • Long time no see to this old friend called 'Still waiting for root device'. But with 10.5.7 the time had come again. As some of the tipps we compiled below helped us there is no warranty that it will help you. As the reasons for this funky brother are too indifferent. Used Hardware Gigabyte GA EP35 DS3 Gigabyte nVidia GeForce 7600 GT 256MB (Device ID 0x0391) HP w2207 TFT (w/ integra.

USB: 34.838: 0x1514E00 USB Generic Hub @ 1 (0x19). Still waiting for root device Still waiting for root device Still waiting for root device.forever and ever amen! Ibook G4 Mac OS X (10.4) airport card. Posted on Apr 9, 2006 7:43 PM. Reply I have this question too I have this question too Me too Me too. Jun 14, 2011 When trying to boot off that drive I still get the 'Still Waiting for Root Device Error' Any help would be appreciated. 2 HDDs, 1 IDE (Snow Leopard, Primary Master), 1 SATA (Ubuntu/Windows 7) IDE DVD drive (Primary Slave).


I have a great MacBook Pro with awesome retina display, but I mostly run Windows 7 on it through bootcamp. Given that I often have to make iOS related tests, and that switching back and forth between OSX and Windows 7 was quite painful, I decided to try to run OSX as a virtual OS within Windows instead of Windows as a virtual OS within OSX.

Mac os still waiting for root device usb debugging

Mac Os Still Waiting For Root Device Usb Debugging

If you want to do the same here are the simple things you need to do

1. Open regedit to export a backup of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesAppleHFS and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesAppleMNT
2. Keep regedit opened and delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesAppleHFS and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesAppleMNT
3. Reboot and make sure the OSX drive is not visible anymore as D: drive
4. Run in command line “C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBoxVBoxManage.exe” internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename c:RawAppleDisk.vmdk -rawdisk .PhysicalDrive0
5. Open VirtualBox, create a new type “Mac OS X” with version “Mac OS X (64-bit)” virtual machine.
6. When asked to create a drive, select “Use an existing virtual hard drive file” and click the orange folder button, select the RawAppleDisk.vmdk that you created in step #4, it should be at the root of C: but you can move it anywhere you like before adding it to the virtual machine.


Et voila! Now your virtual machine should boot and run OS X as a virtual OS within Windows 7 running native on genuine Apple hardware

You can learn more about VirtualBox guest limitations for OSX here. And how to change the guest screen resolution here.

Mac Os Still Waiting For Root Device Usb Drive

I'm trying to install OS X Leopard on my intel PC to dual boot it alongside XP if possible.
I put the disc in, and during installation a hell of alot of writing just flies by as it loads then, it changes to a smaller font, and brings up a screen that always gets stuck at the same part with the last 2 messages being:
'Firewire unable to determine decurity mode; defaulting to full secure'
'Waiting for root device'
'Still waiting for root device'
Ive seen some posts about it on the net already and tried the solutions but nothing was possible.
Anyone have any idea's?